Thursday, September 02, 2004

OK - Latest Coordinates

Frances is getting closer and closer.....


Blogger alix said...

may all your belongings stay attached with suction cups...

hope she takes it easy on you...tinkin' good tawts!

11:29 PM  
Blogger Susan Humeston said...

The real burricane is to the north of us - 50 miles makes a BIG difference. Thanks for your kind thoughts. We haven't lost power yet, thank God - we need our Air Conditioning down here.

Farther north is the bad stuff. The worst thing is my clerodendrums will need to be trimmed back severely, since most of them have blown down. But they grow like weeks, so no problem.

I spent a lot of today, in spite of the winds, feeding birds. We always have bird feeders out, but with the hurricane approaching, we brought the feeders in. So I threw out cupfulls of seed and peanuts. The blue jays, red winged blackbirds, our resident red bellied woodpecker and numerous grackles, doves, etc. were feasting all day in spite of the great wind. Birds amaze me. They appear so fragile, and they are - and yet, these big winds didn't stop them, or even blow them off course. And they fed like usual in our back yard.

2:50 AM  
Blogger Susan Humeston said...

Sorry about the misspellings.....sheesh!!

2:51 AM  

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